Zora Rashkis Chair for Excellence in Language Arts or Social Studies

Thank you for your interest in nominating a teacher for this award. Nominated teachers will be invited to submit an application that initiates a rigorous evaluation and selection process, including an application review, interviews and in-class observation. While only one teacher will be honored by receiving this chair award, being nominated is, in itself, a way of honoring our exceptional teachers.

The nomination window is open through January 31, 2019.

Zora Rashkis Chair for Excellence in Language Arts or Social Studies

If the teacher you wish to nominate is not included in this list, they either do not yet have the experience required, or are not specialists in the category eligible for this Teaching Chair. If you believe this is in error, kindly email our award coordinator at awardspsf@chccs.k12.nc.us

Nomination Criteria

Please explain, in your own words why your candidate should be nominated for this chair award. Please address one or more of the following criteria, using examples wherever possible.

Click here to see the detailed award criteria that will be used in the selection process.

Your Information

Your name/contact information will be used only for follow up questions.

Relationship to the Candidate
Some of your comments (not your name) might be used in Chapel Hill-Carrboro Public School Foundation or School District publicity

Have questions? Contact us at the following email address: awardspsf@chccs.k12.nc.us
Your nomination form must be submitted on or before January 31, 2020.

I certify that the information in this nomination form is accurate.