Tips for Getting Started

Tips for Getting Started

To learn about PSF grant opportunities, you may want to consider taking a Grant Writing Workshop offered by PSF to learn more about how to apply for our grants.

  • Once you are on the Grants page, you can scroll down to see the five grant categories offered annually and the eligibility requirements for each.
  • When the grant portals are open, there will be an Apply Now button on this page under the grant category.
  • Once your editing, reviews, and approvals have been completed, and you are ready to submit your grant to PSF, click APPLY.  After you have submitted the proposal, you should receive an automatic email letting you know that PSF has received your request.  If you do not receive this email, please check to be sure you have filled out all the required information in your application.  If you still have problems, please notify us at

Tips for Writing a Strong Proposal

  • Review the grading rubric that will help you score your proposal before you submit it.  You can see from the weighting of the various categories what areas are of most importance to the review committee.
  • Clearly state how the requested funds would be spent.  It should be easy for the reviewer to tie the text in your proposal to your budget and the funding you are requesting.
  • Avoid technical jargon.  Explain all abbreviations.  Remember that not all reviewers are educators.
  • Show us your “need”, not your “want”.
  • Economize content and avoid repetition.  Be clear and concise, but thorough.
  • Show how your project connects with colleagues and your school or the district.  The review committee wants to hear about sharing and collaboration.
  • Not sure where to start?  Try starting with the budget.  Once you itemize what you really need funding for, the rest should fall in place.  Be sure to include only allowable expenses.  If there are in-kind donations, or you have received some support from other places, please let us know that.  It shows a commitment to the project.
  • Provide attainable goals—not “wishful thinking”.
  • Propose a realistic timeframe plan—and propose only the things you know you can do.
  • Have someone else proofread your proposal for typos, addition errors, areas that are not clear, etc.
  • Emphasize what your project WILL do.  What is your solution to the problem?
  • Use references when appropriate when outlining your need/problem.
  • Identify outcomes that are impactful and measureable.
  • Ask for a review.  We will review grants in draft form if you give us time.  See contact info below.

Questions?  Please contact Nancy at