Nominations for Teaching Chairs will be accepted until January 1-31, 2024. Anyone can nominate
a teacher – a peer, a student, a parent, a community member. Teachers may also nominate themselves.
In 2024, 6 of the 15 Endowed Teaching Chairs are open for nominations. The first five chairs described below recognize a certified classroom teacher who has taught in the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City School (CHCCS) District for at least three years with a start date no later than Sept 1, 2020 The final chair recognizes a teacher new to the profession (Beginning Teacher in year 1,2 or 3) who shows promise and who has taught for fewer than three years. Check the descriptions below to see if a teacher you would like to nominate is eligible for a Chair in the 2024 cycle.
Elementary School Chairs
Sockwell Chair for Excellence in Teaching Primary Grades (preK-2)
The Chair was the first elementary-level Teaching Chair established by the Foundation. It honors former school board chair Phyllis Sockwell and her aunt who were teachers. The Chair is funded by an endowment and is awarded to classroom teachers of grades Pre-K to 2nd grade. This is a two-year award and recognizes a classroom teacher who has taught in the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City School (CHCCS) District for at least three years. The recipient will receive a $1,000 award for each year they hold this chair.