
Since its inception, the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Public School Foundation has distributed over $16,000,000 for innovative programs and projects that otherwise would not have existed in our schools. It is our continuing mission to play the role of champion for public education by advocating for positive change to make our schools the very best they can be. Our ultimate goal is to prepare all district students for lives as successful adults, which will benefit not only our children, but our entire community.

In 1984, the Adopt-A-School Advisory Committee was established to create a new partnership between the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Public Schools and their supporters. PTA representatives and local business people joined together in identifying three components of this task:

  • Recruiting human resources and volunteers 
  • Encouraging donations of supplies, materials and equipment 
  • Encouraging gifts of money, securities and property

It became apparent that the last of these activities could best be accomplished by an organization, that was external to the school system, and in the winter of 1984 a subcommittee of the advisory committee developed bylaws, articles of incorporation and a list of prospective members for the new not-for-profit fundraising group. The first meeting of the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Public School Foundation was held in April 1984. From the outset, the Foundation has been strengthened by the diversity, resourcefulness and commitment of its board.