Chapel Hill-Carrboro Public School Foundation

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Our Vision

All students in Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools receive an excellent and equitable education from the highest quality teachers.

As a champion for public education, the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Public School Foundation  provides additional  funding to our schools for innovative programs that advance student achievement and teacher development.

Teacher Awards

The 2024 Margaret Kepner Distinguished Service Award was presented to both Kathryn Murchison (Chapel Hill High) and William Vincent (East Chapel Hill High). This award to recognize veteran teachers for their commitment to the profession of education was established by Bob Kepner to honor his late wife, Margaret, who was a science teacher in the CHCCS district.


Teaching Chair Award Winners

By the Numbers 2023-24

Grants to support classrooms, equity, enrichment, and professional development
Teachers received supplies from the annual Teacher Store
Teaching Chair and staff awards were presented
Student Scholarships for post-secondary education